We do need more leaders talking about peace, love, light and respect. Her message touched many people. Thanks for writing about this.

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A lovely & meaningful post. Thank you.

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Thank you, Amy.

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I was immediately drawn to the title of this article. I wanted to get my ukulele out and play "59th Street Bridge Song - Feelin' Groovy." :) I read one of Marianne Williamson's books right after I had Megan, "A Woman's Worth." Good time for me to read it. Anyway, I thought it was cool she got into politics. The political scene is not ready for her sadly...just as it wasn't ready for Bernie.

In 2015, my sister Jennifer and I took a road trip up and down the west coast together -- just the two of us. We hadn't done anything like that since were young adults, but my Dad had passed, and she thought it would be a good way to get closer. I had NO idea my sister was a registered Republican. We grew up in a staunch Liberal Democratic family, both my mom and dad and their families. We argued a little about politics, like Bernie Sanders. I was a huge Bernie fan, still am. We finally had to agree to disagree, just as you do with your husband. HOWEVER, my sister made a huge turnaround a year later because she refused to vote for Trump. She was more fiscally conservative (she's a CPA Accountant if that says anything) than anything else. She's also a Lesbian and my son once called his Aunt Jenny a "conservative Lesbian."

I find it fascinating when a couple can live together and be on separate ends of the political spectrum. Especially these days. It takes so much love and acceptance, as well as compromise. I love how you guys don't throw each other's mail. hehe! I throw away conservative mail at times when I do receive it! but I don't have any reason to save it.

It's all about love and Feelin' Groovy.

Loved this piece! Thank you, Deb.,

peace and luv always,


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Thank you, Melody! xoxo

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