I too needed that reminder as I struggle with an article with a subject so dear to my heart. Sure I need some authoritative quotes, but I also have to set them aside and write with my voice. Thanks!

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Yes, your voice is so important. Glad this helped!

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Thank you Deb! I really needed this tonight. 🙏

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You're so welcome, Natalia!

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Thank you for the reminder!

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You're so welcome, Suzanna!

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Thank you, Deb. I needed this reminder.

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You're welcome, Deborah! xoxo

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Thank you, Debra. I was much better at this as a child. Do you think age stymies our ability to use only our ideas and our voice?

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It's a good question, Kathi. I think it does, largely because we're exposed to so many voices and influences as we grow up. We start paying more attention to what everyone else thinks rather than trusting our own imagination and intuition. So it's a matter of re-programming ourselves and quieting those external voices.

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Thank you for this perspective and advice, Debra. My background in writing has always included quoting, referencing and attributing. Because I had to be factual! I will consider your approach to find my voice.

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I'd love to hear how it goes, Jim.

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This sounds like an excellent strategy. Thank you.

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You're very welcome!

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